
Category: Nonprofit

401(k) Contributions: Strategies for Maximizing Retirement Savings

22 Jul, 2024

401(k) Contributions: Strategies for Maximizing Retirement Savings

Every 24 hours, you move one day closer to your retirement date, and your commitment to contributing to your 401(k) should also be peaking. Your...

How to Avoid Common Financial Planning Pitfalls

24 Jun, 2024

How to Avoid Common Financial Planning Pitfalls

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” This adage is particularly true in financial planning, where even small missteps or...

Gifting Strategies Using Qualified Charitable Distributions

7 Jun, 2024

Gifting Strategies Using Qualified Charitable Distributions

Today’s blog post will examine an often-overlooked tax strategy for philanthropic purposes: Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs).  At Brown|Miller Wealth Management, we understand that no one...

May 29th: Celebrate National 529 Day!

29 May, 2024

May 29th: Celebrate National 529 Day!

Did you know that May 29th marks National 529 Day? It’s a little-known “celebration”  day, but it’s an important time to explore the benefits of...

How to Leverage Health Savings Accounts to Your Benefit

22 May, 2024

How to Leverage Health Savings Accounts to Your Benefit

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are powerful tools for helping you manage your  healthcare expenses. As a high-income earner, you are likely looking for ways to...

Understanding the Financial Benefits of Donor-Advised Funds

20 May, 2024

Understanding the Financial Benefits of Donor-Advised Funds

Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) are becoming increasingly popular for families that want  to impact their communities and legacies while realizing significant tax benefits for  themselves. These...

The Great Wealth Transfer: Impact and Opportunities for the  Markets

24 Apr, 2024

The Great Wealth Transfer: Impact and Opportunities for the Markets

The great wealth transfer is a massive financial shift, where an unprecedented amount of money is being passed down from generation to generation, mainly from...

The Great Wealth Transfer: Tips for Managing Your Inheritance

25 Mar, 2024

The Great Wealth Transfer: Tips for Managing Your Inheritance

With the “great wealth transfer” already underway, an estimated $68 to $80 trillion will be passed to future generations. Whether you’re anticipating an inheritance or...

Family Business Legacy: Six Smart Wealth Transfer Techniques

4 Mar, 2024

Family Business Legacy: Six Smart Wealth Transfer Techniques

Over the next twenty-thirty years, 78 million baby boomers will transfer $84 trillion of  wealth to their families and the charities they care about. This...

The Great Wealth Transfer: Effective Management for Baby Boomers

29 Jan, 2024

The Great Wealth Transfer: Effective Management for Baby Boomers

Over the next two decades, 78 million baby boomers will transfer a staggering $84 trillion. Interestingly, 85% of this wealth transfer, or $72 trillion, goes...

How to Optimize Your Financial Roadmap: Key Steps for Success

18 Dec, 2023

How to Optimize Your Financial Roadmap: Key Steps for Success

Just like a compass helps guide you in the right direction, having a comprehensive plan can help guide you through various financial life stages.  At...

It’s Not Just About Asset Allocation; Asset Location Also Matters

20 Nov, 2023

It’s Not Just About Asset Allocation; Asset Location Also Matters

It’s easy to fixate on what types of investments you have in your portfolio. But what many people don’t focus on can be equally important...

From Dream to Reality: The Importance of Setting Your Financial  Goals and Priorities

23 Oct, 2023

From Dream to Reality: The Importance of Setting Your Financial Goals and Priorities

What does financial independence mean to you? It’s a question we ask successful  executives, professionals, and business owners who are seeking retirement planning services.   Success...

Maximize Wealth: High-Income Earner’s Guide to Roth IRA Conversions

21 Jun, 2023

Maximize Wealth: High-Income Earner’s Guide to Roth IRA Conversions

Success, whether in your personal or professional life, often results in an accumulation  of wealth that necessitates a more sophisticated approach to financial planning. In...

Investment Policy and Objectives for Nonprofits, Endowments, and Foundations

24 Apr, 2023

Investment Policy and Objectives for Nonprofits, Endowments, and Foundations

  As a non-profit, endowment, or foundation organization looking for the best ways to invest your  assets, it is crucial to create an investment policy...

What Services Should an Investment Manager Provide to Non-Profits, Foundations, and Endowments?

31 Mar, 2023

What Services Should an Investment Manager Provide to Non-Profits, Foundations, and Endowments?

As a non-profit organization or foundation, it is essential that you have access to experienced  and knowledgeable investment management. Having the right investment management support ...

Top Tips to Ensure Your Endowment’s Values Align With Your Investment Advisor

28 Mar, 2023

Top Tips to Ensure Your Endowment’s Values Align With Your Investment Advisor

Having an endowment which reflects your organization’s values is more important than ever.  But does the wealth advisor you’ve chosen match up to those same...

Non-Profits, Endowments, & Foundations Guide to Choosing a Financial Advisor

9 Mar, 2023

Non-Profits, Endowments, & Foundations Guide to Choosing a Financial Advisor

As a trustee of a nonprofit, endowment, or foundation, you have the important responsibility to  ensure your organization’s assets are being managed with care. Your...

Stewardship Principles for Non-Profits

3 Mar, 2023

Stewardship Principles for Non-Profits

Non-profit organizations focus on creating a positive difference in their community, an effort that  requires financial support for it to be sustainable. By investing resources...

How to Choose an Investment Advisor in Washington DC

17 Feb, 2023

How to Choose an Investment Advisor in Washington DC

Choosing the right type of investment or financial advisor can be a difficult task. When researching financial planning services, you want to find someone to...

How Financial Advisors in Washington DC Can Help  Executives Reduce Their Tax Liabilities

17 Jan, 2023

How Financial Advisors in Washington DC Can Help Executives Reduce Their Tax Liabilities

No one wants to pay more taxes, and understanding how to strategize your tax planning to decrease what you pay is certainly not the most...

Executive Compensation Financial Planning

13 Jan, 2023

Executive Compensation Financial Planning

Executive compensation plans have only increased in complexity as company strategy and compensation programs have juggled with balancing an executive pay structure that everyone can...

Why Executives Should Consider Working with a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER<sup>TM</sup>

29 Dec, 2022

Why Executives Should Consider Working with a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM

Wealth management and control of your financial future can be a daunting task, and it is often a task that requires regular maintenance. For executives,...

Financial Planning for Executives in Northern Virginia

28 Dec, 2022

Financial Planning for Executives in Northern Virginia

There are many types of financial advisors and finding the right one for you and your situation is instrumental in meeting your financial goals. This...

The Importance of Wealth Management for Executives

26 Dec, 2022

The Importance of Wealth Management for Executives

Managing one’s wealth is something that takes strategic financial planning and discipline. The importance of managing one’s wealth and assets becomes even more important if...

Does Your Financial Advisor Have Any Conflicts Of Interest?

15 Dec, 2022

Does Your Financial Advisor Have Any Conflicts Of Interest?

How do you know if your financial advisor has a conflict of interest? Many people don’t realize that their financial advisor may be recommending products...

6 Questions To Ask A Wealth Manager And The Answers You Want

22 Nov, 2022

6 Questions To Ask A Wealth Manager And The Answers You Want

The best wealth management firm in the Washington D.C. area will encourage you to ask as many questions as possible. You should feel a calming...

Pleasant, Prompt, Proactive, Painless Wealth Management

18 Nov, 2022

Pleasant, Prompt, Proactive, Painless Wealth Management

If you’re like many high-net-worth individuals, you demand exemplary wealth management service. You want a team of financial advisors that will handle your investments with...

A Wealth Management Firm With Realistic Expectations

8 Nov, 2022

A Wealth Management Firm With Realistic Expectations

The value of a wealth management team with realistic expectations means the world to investors trying to survive the constantly evolving financial landscape. As the...

Can Your Wealth Management Firm Help You Plan Your Legacy?

1 Nov, 2022

Can Your Wealth Management Firm Help You Plan Your Legacy?

Affluent investors often work with their wealth management firm to develop a sophisticated legacy (estate) plan. This plan typically addresses how your assets will be...

Your Wealth Management Firm Should Be A Partner In Your Financial Life

13 Oct, 2022

Your Wealth Management Firm Should Be A Partner In Your Financial Life

It’s not enough to have money in the bank these days. You need a financial ally and accountability partner who can lead your decision-making processes...

5 Essential Tips For Business Succession Planning

29 Sep, 2022

5 Essential Tips For Business Succession Planning

Succession planning is a process of identifying people who will succeed current leaders and is crucial to any business looking to remain competitive in its...

4 Benefits of a Financial Planner in D.C. For Small Business Owners

26 Sep, 2022

4 Benefits of a Financial Planner in D.C. For Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, having a comprehensive financial plan in place that aligns with your goals is essential. You need to know that all...

7 Ways To Manage Your Business Investment Risk

12 Sep, 2022

7 Ways To Manage Your Business Investment Risk

Managing your business’s investment risk is integral to being a successful entrepreneur or business owner. Although it’s impossible to predict the future, you can take...

Why You Need a Financial Advisor Through The Stages Of Business Growth

30 Aug, 2022

Why You Need a Financial Advisor Through The Stages Of Business Growth

 A business is a living, breathing organism whose operation and trajectory will vary depending on its stage of growth. And just like with people, it’s...

5 Advantages Of A Retirement Plan For Business Owners

26 Aug, 2022

5 Advantages Of A Retirement Plan For Business Owners

Entrepreneurs wear multiple hats. In fact, there can be so many that it is easy to get caught up in the everyday tasks and activities,...

5 Cost Saving Strategies For Business Owners

24 Aug, 2022

5 Cost Saving Strategies For Business Owners

We understand that running a business isn’t easy. There are multiple challenges that arise daily, and it’s important to stay on top of them all,...

Key Factors In A Quality Financial Advisor Client Relationship

28 Jul, 2022

Key Factors In A Quality Financial Advisor Client Relationship

As a financial advisor in the Washington D.C. area, the quality of our relationships with clients is what sets us apart. It’s not enough to...

Tips From an Advisor on How to Manage Market  Volatility

25 Jul, 2022

Tips From an Advisor on How to Manage Market Volatility

How do you manage market volatility? Managing an investment portfolio can be a challenge in any economy, and market turbulence tests investors further. One critical...

8 Rules For Developing Financial Discipline

18 Jul, 2022

8 Rules For Developing Financial Discipline

When it comes to money and financial planning strategies, there’s varied advice out there. While some tips are helpful, others can leave you feeling overwhelmed...

Why Customized Financial Planning is Vital for Your  Success

8 Jul, 2022

Why Customized Financial Planning is Vital for Your Success

Can you be successful without a financial plan? Of course! The question is not whether a financial plan is the only way to achieve success,...

A Simple Process to Identify Meaningful Life Goals  For Saving And Investing

6 Jul, 2022

A Simple Process to Identify Meaningful Life Goals For Saving And Investing

In order to get to where you want to go, you must navigate life with meaningful plans and life goals. This often begins as an...

How to Set a Time Frame for Your Financial Goals

16 Jun, 2022

How to Set a Time Frame for Your Financial Goals

Goals are specific and measurable targets that create a roadmap for you to follow and can ultimately help you: Stay focused Remain motivated Achieve more...

Mindset: How to Handle Market Volatility

31 May, 2022

Mindset: How to Handle Market Volatility

Market corrections are normal. Even so, not every investor knows how to handle market volatility. It is easy to feel great about your investment choices...

Mitigate the Cost of Holding Cash With These Yield-Bearing Options

25 May, 2022

Mitigate the Cost of Holding Cash With These Yield-Bearing Options

Cash is liquid, simple, and feels secure. There are many good reasons to keep some cash on hand, from maintaining an emergency fund to being...

How to Approach Retirement Savings During Market Volatility

12 May, 2022

How to Approach Retirement Savings During Market Volatility

Volatility is typically coupled with opportunity. This is a valuable trend to understand if you are in the wealth accumulation phase. However, investors who are...

6 Common Effects of Inflation

26 Apr, 2022

6 Common Effects of Inflation

There are situations where fear can serve you well. If you are driving in heavy fog and low visibility, fear will tell you to slow...

Advantages of a Diversified Portfolio Directed by Personal Goals

22 Apr, 2022

Advantages of a Diversified Portfolio Directed by Personal Goals

Life pulls us in many directions with obligations and opportunities, including many ways to spend our money. Even high-income earners can be challenged to save...

Can You Protect Your Money During Inflation?

18 Apr, 2022

Can You Protect Your Money During Inflation?

Although it has caused a media stir, inflation is not all bad or good. It’s dualistic in nature—having positive and negative impacts on different parts...

Is Your Financial Discipline Impacting Your Success?

8 Apr, 2022

Is Your Financial Discipline Impacting Your Success?

Your financial discipline is how well you adhere to your financial plan and monetary goals. This is a critical factor in any individual’s success and...

5 Essentials for Wealth Creation

6 Apr, 2022

5 Essentials for Wealth Creation

Those not well-versed in the financial industry might think wealth creation is as simple as making money, spending less than you earn, and investing some...

Four Reasons to Choose a Specialized Financial Advisor for Entrepreneurs

4 Apr, 2022

Four Reasons to Choose a Specialized Financial Advisor for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneur startup statistics rank Washington D.C. as the top U.S. city for business start-ups, with 71.1% of its population comprised of young professionals ages 25-34....

Keep Your Long-Term Financial Goals On-Track

31 Mar, 2022

Keep Your Long-Term Financial Goals On-Track

For most of us, instant gratification is hard to deny. We have only to look at the economy to know that it’s true. Simple, fast,...

How Expert Guidance Can Simplify Your Financial Life

29 Mar, 2022

How Expert Guidance Can Simplify Your Financial Life

If you’ve ever walked into a mess hoping to accomplish something—whether it’s the kitchen, your desk at work, or your tax return—you know that disorder...

Brown | Miller Wealth Management Launches New and Improved Website

16 Mar, 2022

Brown | Miller Wealth Management Launches New and Improved Website

Brown | Miller Wealth Management is pleased to announce the launch of our new and improved website. The enhanced design and layout make it easier...